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my style notebook
Francesca Chelli
25 gen 2018Tempo di lettura: 4 min
Si Vous aimez l'amour Vous aimerez le Surréalisme
"What guides me first of all is the shape: the feminine body at the base, the art of the couturier is to establish and to proportion on...
733 visualizzazioni0 commenti
Francesca Chelli
16 ott 2017Tempo di lettura: 4 min
This Island, for a Dreamy GetAway
It's getting to the dinner of the last evening on the island that while the ultra white doors of the Water Villa Restaurant were opening...
121 visualizzazioni0 commenti
Francesca Chelli
5 ott 2017Tempo di lettura: 4 min
Diary of an Emotion
There are really few days in which you feel in the right place at the right time and you have the full awareness of each moment, enjoying...
227 visualizzazioni0 commenti
Francesca Chelli
30 mag 2017Tempo di lettura: 3 min
A White Dress is Forever
A white dress should never be missing in your wardrobe: simple, fresh and summery, it can go with everything as well as it can be mixed...
41 visualizzazioni0 commenti
Francesca Chelli
17 mag 2017Tempo di lettura: 2 min
Vestirsi in tono
Non limitare il tuo mondo al bianco e nero, perché ce n'è abbastanza nascosto tra i grigi Non esiste un modo più semplice per apparire...
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Francesca Chelli
17 mag 2017Tempo di lettura: 2 min
Dressing in Tone
Don't define your world in black and white, because there is so much hiding amongst the greys. There is no easier way to appear...
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Francesca Chelli
15 apr 2017Tempo di lettura: 4 min
9 Ways to Wear your Denim
The high waisted jeans in very dark blue denim I'm wearing in this picture gives an elegant and chic effect, if accompanied by important...
70 visualizzazioni0 commenti
Francesca Chelli
15 apr 2017Tempo di lettura: 4 min
9 Modi per indossare i Jeans
Il modello di jeans a vita alta in color blu denim scurissimo che indosso in questa foto regala un effetto elegante e chic, se...
274 visualizzazioni0 commenti
Francesca Chelli
29 ago 2016Tempo di lettura: 2 min
About White
"White resonates like a silence that can suddenly be understood." cit. Wassily Kandisky I have always thought how this wonderful quote of...
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