You all know I appreciate style in every life’s occasion as being the expression of my inner spirit.
Today I’ve had the beautiful chance to be invited to the 73° Italian Open Golf Tournament, a really outstanding and perfectly organized event, hosted in the polished Golf course of Monza. I followed the players on the course and then sitting in the VIP lounge I enjoyed the view of Chicco Molinari's victory.
What I appreciated most of this event has been the professional style of all the golf players. The capability of keeping themselves always under control – no matter what they are facing on the course.
Their performance is a mix of strategy, game technical capabilities and mental attitude. Concentration is the multiplication factor of one’s behavior.
I play golf as an amateur and had often the possibility to play in various beautiful Golf courses in Italy and abroad. Golf for me is spending time with my dad, who introduced me to the game, when I don’t get to very often, and taking the experience and now passing it on my daughter. Grandfather, daughter, nephew all together: which is another sport like this that keeps all together? How many people can compete against their grandfather? How many moms play with their dads? I do. Golf can be a family sport like none other. Generations playing together with a certain style and code of conduct. This is a must.
I know how challenging this sport is and, apart from any technical skill that makes golf one of the most complex sports ever, its difficulty lays on maintaining one’s firm consciousness of being self aware, keeping a balance, influencing the events and not undergoing them.
The most important thing that this sport can bring, from my standpoint, is that you can understand people through their behavior all along the18 holes.
When you play golf with someone you get crystal clear insight into what they are like in life. How do they handle stress? How do they handle success? And when you know this about a person, you know how they truly are deep down in the core of their being.
For this reason, golf seems to be a real life school where you should get a learning out of failure without becoming depressed as well as not getting flushed with success, always trying to improve anyway and to find ways to get as good as you can.
The capability of handle frustration is key: one can play the best he’d ever played for the first nine holes and within a few shorts rounds, turn out to play his worst ever. Back to the drawing board and some more practice but please: no complaining.
It seems simple on the surface, but it’s too difficult to master, not only the technique itself, more even the etiquette.
And here’s the real challenge.
Watching golf amateurs who scream after a bad shot, losing their patience and getting nervous because their results don’t meet with their expectations...Well, this can be a very unpleasant show as well as the example of a very rude carriage.
Golf is a continuous challenge on two different but linked levels . If you love mental stimulation, golf is serving this on a silver plate: strategy, a risky or a rewarding decision at every hole.
That is what makes the game fun.
But one has to behave and this should be the rule to be respected.
Therefore staring at those Professional Golfers should be the role model for many, to get inspired and try to improve their approach. And not only on the fairway...
And you, what do you think?
Wishing you a wonderful week!!