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  • Immagine del redattoreFrancesca Chelli

In the wardrobe of ... Francesca Chelli

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Her passion for shoes dates back to her childhood and she buys them in shops,with no exceptions. What is made in Italy? A guarantee for quality and comfort.

Manager, author and blogger, Francesca Chelli graduated from Bocconi University (where she often lectures on influencer marketing) and has held top management positions in several firms, both in Italy and abroad. Her own consultancy firm specializes in marketing and communication and she has launched a blog, where she tells the story of her lifestyle through images and inspiring content, talking about fashion, beauty and travel.Amongst others, she has published two articles about her twenty-fifth wedding anniversary which she celebrated in the Maldives, “I celebrated again, with a whole new wedding dress and a pair of beautiful Zanotti sandals that I wore even on the sand”.

How did your passion for shoes come about?

It dates back to my childhood. As a child I used to walk around the house wearing my mother’s high heels and sometimes I insisted on going into town dressed like that. They had to convince me to put my own shoes back on.

"I've always had a soft spot for accessories, but footwear has always been my passion"

What is your relationship like with fashion?

It is a long and very natural relationship, not at all fixed on a style or a brand. I don’t like total looks: I always enjoy finding new combinations – thank goodness I take photographs of the outfits, that’s the only way I remember them! – and bring creative in mixing different brands and being daring with colours, for example grey and mustard yellow, blue and black, yellow and orange… I follow the rules, but then every now and then I break them. What I like is to inspire, not to influence! My style goes from the classic chic blazer, which I also wear for work, but with a t-shirt underneath, to long dresses, which I adore, to lace skirts with a leather jacket, to denim with heels and a trench coat. I like contamination, with a touch of glamor.

How do you match your shoes to an outfit?

I like playing with them. The elements of my look have connections, but I’ve never gone with matching shoes and bag – for heaven’s sake, no! Maybe the belt I choose will match with the shoe and the bag will be a standalone, or the shoe recalls something of the dress. The combination must always seem to have happened by chance – in reality, though, there must be a very clear idea behind it: this is the beauty of fashion.

How many times a day do you change your shoes?

I go to yoga class with sneakers early in the morning, then I change shoes at least three or four times depending on the day’s schedule and depending on whether I have to go out at night. The minimum is three times a day, I would say.

How many shoes have you got in your wardrobe?

I knew the question would come, but I didn’t have time to count them in time. It’s a three-digit number, but I’ve given some away and some to my daughters – there could be even more than that!

How many pairs of shoes do you buy each season?

It depends, having so many and not being a centipede, I barely use all the ones I already have. However, if I find a model that I’m missing, which is both chic and comfortable… I will buy a pair, or maybe even two in different colours!

Where do you get your shoes? Do you buy on line as well?

In a shop, with no exceptions. I like to try shoes on, to choose them, the whole experience of buying them.

Which shoes would you never do without?

Tough question. I have many favourites, from black pumps – a classic worth investing in that a wardrobe cannot go without – to a colourful and fun sneaker, to an elegant sandal with a heel that can be used all year-round, to a nice boot that I love tight to the leg, to a beautiful jewelled flip-flop.

Which would you throw out, and why?

I have never thrown a pair of shoes away, I’d rather give them away. The beautiful ones, however, even if they’re worn, I keep as a souvenir or for a rainy day.

Italian shoes are…

They are the product of the best craftsmanship, admired by the whole world for their very high quality and comfort, both of which are fundamental characteristics for the wearer.

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