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my style notebook

Francesca Chelli
17 dic 2021Tempo di lettura: 4 min
Online-offline integration for small Made in Italy excellences
After a solid experience as a Manager in large companies, in Marketing and as CEO, for several years I have now been working with the...
177 visualizzazioni0 commenti

Francesca Chelli
11 set 2017Tempo di lettura: 3 min
Pink Marketing: Women as Purchases Main Decision Makers
Even if it has masculine roots - you will remember I talked about it in my article "Pink: History and Fashion Not Just for Women" - pink...
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Francesca Chelli
13 lug 2017Tempo di lettura: 3 min
Come 'Pariser' senza Colette?
Nel 1997 abitavo a Bruxelles e con il Thalys, il treno che allora la congiungeva con Parigi in un'ora e venti, avevo scoperto Colette...
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